Entries Written By Richard Paulsen
Why launch a signing module?
The signing module is a new feature from BizBot, that let users create or upload and sign any document for free. Initially the module was made for back end use on BizBot’s different legal work flows as secondary trading, rights issues and shareholding agreements, but the team discovered early that signing of all kinds was …
I dag har vi åpnet opp signeringsmodulen til alle som har behov for digitale signaturer på avtaler og kontrakter. På signeringsmodulen kan du laste opp eller opprette et dokument og signere digitalt ved hjelp av BankID. Alt du trenger er e-posten til de som skal signere. Det signerte dokumentet kan lagres på plattformen eller lastes …
We offer internships!
The tech-startup scene in Oslo has grown exponentially the last three years. There are now tens of co-working spaces, accelerators and start-up hubs. The companies have raised more money from investors the last three years than the previous ten. This money is being deployed on building products. Needless to say this creates jobs and internships …
Enter SLUSH!
The biggest get-together for startups and investors in Europe is SLUSH! In early December over 20.000 people decent on Helsinki in a big conference hall, with smoke and neo lights, the biggest tech companies running stands and great speakers from home and abroad. For new participants it can be overwhelming. Imagine a hardcore nightclub meets …
Markedsjefen på PODCAST om Fintech!
Richard Paulsen, CMO i BizBot, har vært gjest på en av Norges mest populære økonomipodcaster; #Pengepodden av Nordnet. Der snakket han om finansiell teknologi, nye satsninger, blokkjede og utfordringene eksisterende bransje står ovenfor. Selskaper som ble nevnt i podcasten er #Payr #Spiff #RobinHood og #Aprila.
BizBot på 1-2-3!
Du kan logge inn med LinkedIN profilen din, eller opprette en bruker der du verifiserer deg med BankID. Landingssiden “Dine eiendeler” er det første du møter på plattformen. Her skal du kunne legge til selskaper du eier majoriteten av aksjene, eller innehar en stilling som daglig leder, styreformann eller styremedlem. Ved å legge til selskap …
Going to Europe!
Founder and CEO of BizBot, Didrik Martens, has been traveling for almost two months to exciting start-up hubs across Europe. The purpose was to meet investors, start-ups, local authorities and potential users. Here is a quick run-down on the Why, the Where and his Reflections after returning home. Why? – Norway has taken a huge …
Chatbot your lawyer
LegalGeek is a legaltech conference in Shoreditch London, who’s aim is to bring together lawyers, innovators and technology. Hold on a bit, you might say, aren’t these groups competitors? Yes, in some cases they definitely are, in other cases innovative new technology is used to enhance how lawyers provide service to their clients, not replacing …
Hvorfor investere i FintechAngels?
Gjennom FintechAngels kan store og små investorer få eksponering mot et knippe utvalgte start-up selskaper. BizBot var del av TheFactory sitt akselleratorprogram våren 2017, og fikk i den anledning 250.000 kroner fra FintechAngels som bidro til å kickstarte hele prosjektet. BizBot har i etterkant hentet 8 millioner kroner i egenkapitalfiansiering. FintechAngels selskapene (I, II, III, …
What is a convertible note?
Start-ups usually raise capital in several financing rounds before they turn a profit. Most entrepreneurs know that raising money is full time job. Pitching and meeting potential investors whenever they can, it would not be optimal to keep these investors warm until the next stock issue. That’s why convertible notes are a great solution to …