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Board member and investor Trygve Skibeli

After finishing his master at NTNU Trondheim he started his professional career as a systems engineer - and the first stop was IBM Norway and later IBM USA. After 14 years Trygve Skibeli and 3 co-founders set out on a new venture - Intility. The company had success with a new subscription-based business model in a traditional IT outsourcing market for SMBs.

Today Trygve is an angel investor and work as a management consultant in an open innovation program involving the sharing of data between the finance industry and the public sector in Norway in the fields of taxation, police and social security. He is also on the board of directors in BizBot and a investor through a convertible note.

How is technology shaping how you do business?

- My life as a management consultant at Miles is all about new technology and helping companies/organizations with their digital transformation journey. How to see beyond “electrifying existing processes” to completely new effective and user-friendly processes enabled by new technology.


- Given that I have seen how huge the benefits of these projects can be, I do of course also concentrate my angel investor activities around these same technologies. My favorite startups are those who use technology such as big data, blockchain and AI to offer open platforms that can develop into exiting new ecosystems.

How does BizBot fit into that scenario?

- BizBot is a good match with what I am looking for in an investment case – combined with a strong team. I have quite a few investments myself and the Bizbot solution is exactly what I need to get a good overview of my investments. I also see that the platform will be very helpful for companies who plan new financing rounds.

- I believe there is a good Problem/Solution-Fit here and I believe the team will find a good Product/Market-Fit. As with my first company, Intility, I have high hopes for the networking effect – when the BizBot customers´ expectations are exceeded, they will talk to their friends.

"Good news travel fast"

You accepted a seat on the Board of Directors in BizBot, what would you like BizBot to do in the next 2-3 years?

- I want BizBot to get many very satisfied customers in the home market – and then expand internationally with this proven, high quality and scalable platform. I also have hopes for opening the platform to 3rd party service offerings through a ecosystem mentioned previously.

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