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Invest in the future

There are many good reasons to invest in BizBot right now, but by picking three unique selling points you will also see get a glimpse on how we see ourselves.

  • Platform launched, but not yet commercialised
  • Money will be spent growing customer base
  • International solution to an international problem


BizBot was founded in the spring of 2017, mainly by serial-entrepreneur Didrik Martens and his co-founder Richard Paulsen. The newly formed company joined TheFactory Accelerator program, and won 2017 Accelerator Award for best Start-up.

After two funding rounds and getting a full tech-team, development of the worlds singular best business platform began. The main mission is to help entrepreneurs, investors and management save time and money on difficult and mundane tasks.

“BizBot helps entrepreneurs and investors get an overview of shares and convertible notes, enabling effective management on an easy to use and connected platform.”

Who are the users?

The platform is as easy to use for the first time entrepreneur as the lawyer or accountant. The UX is designed for transparent, few clicks automatization. Click yes, and the job is done.

BizBot’s market in broad definition is every incorporated company in the world. Realistically we will find our clients in start-up hubs and through partnerships with banks, accountant services and third party integration.

How can you invest?

Until the end of 2018, you can invest in BizBot through a convertible note. This loan will be converted to equity at the next funding round medio April 2019. The carrot is a 20% discount on the stock price in the next funding round with a hard cap at market value 45 million kroners. Either you get the discount, or pay the hard cap if the deal goes at a much higher level. For more information